Ron Bettin Ron Bettin

Steer where you want to go

Like winter driving, unforeseen challenges in life or business can lead us into a skid. Surprisingly, the strategies to regain control share striking similarities between steering a vehicle and steering a corporate direction.

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Ron Bettin Ron Bettin

Leading like Ted Lasso

By connecting with people on a personal level, Ted Lasso creates an environment of trust and psychological safety that allows the players to be vulnerable, take risks (and potentially fail) and express their ideas. He models transformative leadership qualities of authenticity, positivity, empathy, and inclusiveness we can learn from to build trust in our teams and workplace relationships.

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Ron Bettin Ron Bettin

The Power of a One-Page: "Infographic" your Communications

How many times have you heard "let's all get on the same page" and then sit through a thirty-page PowerPoint with paragraphs of information? If there is one thing that I have learned from consulting on strategy and projects, it is how valuable it can be to distill complicated information down to one-page; this will genuinely get everyone on the "same page".

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Ron Bettin Ron Bettin

High-Performance Teams are about RESULTS

What is the difference between “working in a team” and being part of a “high-performance team”? RESULT!

So often, a measure of teamwork is about how people “feel” about the team they are in, and measure the performance of the team based on the intangible “workplace satisfaction.” The idea that a team will become more productive by merely having team building events like ax-throwing, scavenger hunts, golfing, cooking classes is misled. These types of activities can go a long way to breaking down the social barriers and encourage people to get to know each other; the reality is they are more about building harmony, not performance.

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Ron Bettin Ron Bettin

Intrapreneurs – More companies need to be infected by them!

Intrapreneurs are those people in an organization who gravitate towards new ideas and challenges without being asked. They are entrepreneurs who work within a company, but not necessarily within the boundaries of the existing organization. Intrapreneurs can think beyond "how things are done now" with a vision of "how things should be done in the future." Successful companies will give Intrapreneurs the authority to take the lead in transformative changes and projects.

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Ron Bettin Ron Bettin

Prioritizing Value & Risk: It’s Critical

As important as it is for a leader to provide strategic direction and set corporate priorities, it is also essential to provide some tools for everyone in the organization to execute with alignment. Here are four simple things to consider when ensuring the tasks that your staff is working on are prioritized correctly

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